Friday, August 27, 2010

Five Things

So, I've been in the mood for a Friday Five the last couple of weeks, and I have searched all of the usual places (and have, on occasion, been distracted) but, alas, have found no fun/acceptable Friday Five. What's a blogger to do?

Well, I have decided to do a Five Things post.

Here we go:

1-five things I like:
  • Our new fast internet
  • Coming home from work on Friday afternoon
  • Reading interesting blogs
  • Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Fillet with cheese and everything except pickles
  • Sewing for fun
2-five places I'd rather be:
(on vacation, apparently!)
  • Maine
  • Nova Scotia
  • Cornwall
  • A house on a lake right here in Michigan
  • Utah (with my family)
3-five things I'd like to buy:
  • A good leather purse
  • A few choice cuts of Remix by Ann Kelle
  • A frozen strawberry lemonade
  • A good pair of sandals
  • A headboard for our new bed
4-five things that annoy me:
  • Rude drivers
  • Items too high up on store shelves
  • Bad customer service
  • Smaller container, higher price
  • People going in and out and in and out during a movie
5-five things I plan to do this weekend:
  • Go to the beach
  • Cut the rest of the t-shirt pieces
  • Cook
  • Catch up on a few things around the house
  • Call my sister


1 comment:

Nancy said...

So, I don't really know what a Friday Five is. Sounds like it's something from the blogger world that I haven't learned yet. So it's just a list of five things? Can it be about anything?

And thinking of a frozen strawberry lemonade now has my mouth watering. Thanks a lot! ;)