Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happiness, Day #31

Completing a month-long blogging meme makes me happy.

Especially if I continue posting after it is done, like I failed to do the last time.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happiness, Day #30

A clean kitchen makes me happy.

(I could say the same thing about the bathroom, but I won't.)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happiness, Day #29

Having an optimistic outlook makes me happy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happiness, Day #28

Fixing something that is in need of repair/
giving order to something that is in disarray/
creating something nice from what is at hand
makes me happy.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Five Things

So, I've been in the mood for a Friday Five the last couple of weeks, and I have searched all of the usual places (and have, on occasion, been distracted) but, alas, have found no fun/acceptable Friday Five. What's a blogger to do?

Well, I have decided to do a Five Things post.

Here we go:

1-five things I like:
  • Our new fast internet
  • Coming home from work on Friday afternoon
  • Reading interesting blogs
  • Wendy's Homestyle Chicken Fillet with cheese and everything except pickles
  • Sewing for fun
2-five places I'd rather be:
(on vacation, apparently!)
  • Maine
  • Nova Scotia
  • Cornwall
  • A house on a lake right here in Michigan
  • Utah (with my family)
3-five things I'd like to buy:
  • A good leather purse
  • A few choice cuts of Remix by Ann Kelle
  • A frozen strawberry lemonade
  • A good pair of sandals
  • A headboard for our new bed
4-five things that annoy me:
  • Rude drivers
  • Items too high up on store shelves
  • Bad customer service
  • Smaller container, higher price
  • People going in and out and in and out during a movie
5-five things I plan to do this weekend:
  • Go to the beach
  • Cut the rest of the t-shirt pieces
  • Cook
  • Catch up on a few things around the house
  • Call my sister


Happiness, Day #27

Less humidity makes me happy.

Conversely, more humility makes me happy.
I crack myself up sometimes.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happiness, Day #26

Date night makes me happy.

We tried a new restaurant, went to Ruth Ann's for dessert, (because summer is quickly coming to an end!) went home and took care of an item on our To Do list (together), and then watched a free movie On Demand. Nice!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happiness, Day #25

Access to modern medicine makes me happy.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happiness, Day #24

The sweet, peaceful feeling that comes when wise words are spoken makes me happy.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Happiness, Day #23

Fresh peach pie makes me happy.

And, more importantly, makes my husband really happy.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happiness, Day #22

Declaring housework done (for the day) makes me happy.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happiness, Day #21

Finding a Jimmy John's sub in the fridge for my lunch makes me happy.

Thanks, Honey!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Happiness, Day #20

Good customer service makes me happy.

Know where I can get any???

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happiness, Day #19

Reading a good blog makes me happy.

You can find one here,
and here.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Happiness, Day #18

A belated anniversary (us) and birthday (her) celebration with friends makes me happy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happiness, Day #17

A report of "Everything looks great!" at the dentist's makes me happy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happiness, Day #16

Unlimited long distance makes me happy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happiness, Day #15

A girls' lunch out makes me happy.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happiness, Day #14

Folded laundry makes me happy.

Notice I didn't say folding...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happiness, Day #13

Going out to get lunch on Friday makes me happy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Happiness, Day #12

A good night's sleep makes me happy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


This weekend I finished two other projects which allowed me to start cutting up t-shirts for the quilt. Yippee!

I decided to shoot for 12-inch finished blocks whenever possible. Some blocks will have to be longer, which I will accomodate in some way when I get the blocks cut and sewn and start arranging.

What this means as far as cutting goes, is that I am cutting big designs (and lists) 12.5 x 12.5 when possible. The small designs I will cut 6.5 x 6.5 and sew together to form the 12.5x12.5 blocks. Some designs I will cut 12.5 x 6.5 and sew together. I am saving t-shirt remains in *fun* colors to add to odd-sized blocks to bring them up to 12.5x12.5.

I haven't decided whether or not to do any sashing and/or borders, nor have I decided on backing or binding.

My plan is as follows:

  • Cut out t-shirt designs in pre-determined sizes as best I can.
  • Fuse blocks en masse to light-weight interfacing.
  • Sew smaller designs together or to more fabric to bring them up to 12.5x12.5
  • Square up blocks.
  • Decide on a layout and make decisions about sashing, borders, etc.

Wish me luck!

Happiness, Day #11

A visit to the farm makes me happy.

And fresh blueberries and sweet corn...Yum!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happiness, Day #10

Crossing projects off of my list makes me happy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happiness, Day #9

Having sisters makes me happy.

Happy Birthday, C!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happiness, Day #8

A good book makes me happy.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happiness, Day #7

An evening at the beach makes me happy.

I had an unusually short grocery list, so I hurried through the store, went home and put away groceries, changed clothes, packed up the dinner S had made as a picnic, grabbed a bottle of water, a book, and a beach towel and headed out. I had a great time eating dinner, reading, and relaxing as I enjoyed the surf, sand, stiff breeze, and people watching from the comfort of my chair and the shade of my umbrella.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Happiness, Day #6

Really good pizza makes me happy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Happiness, Day #5

Bright lights to work by makes me happy.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happiness, Day #4

A romantic (and yummy) dinner for two, all alone in a beautiful dining room, with views of Lake Michigan on three sides makes me happy.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Quilty Summer

Next on my summer list, it says to make two quilts.

It sounds innocent enough, "Make quilts."

Awhile back, before I started posting again but was thinking about posting again, I read about W.I.P. (Work In Progress) Wednesdays on some quilt blogs. "Hey," I thought to myself, "I have some of those!" Delusion, anyone? "WIP" implies progress, as in actually getting something done. Ahem... and therein lies the rub, as they say.

What actually have are U.F.O.s. UnFinished Objects. Yup. Way unfinished.

UFO #1

I have a quilt top done. It is made up of 12x12 inch blocks which are comprised of four 3x12 inch strips. Of velour. (Colors from the 1980s.) Made of scraps left over from several robes and other projects I made back then. Solids. It is actually quite modern looking. I think I was ahead of my time. I started cut the strips during one decade, finished the cutting and started the piecing in another decade, and finished the top in still another decade. When I finally got it put together and put it on the bed to see how it looked, there were parts of it I did not like. At all. And I had no idea how to finish it. I thought about tying it with ribbons. (Like I said, '80s.) But that would totally not look modern. And I had no idea what to back it with.

UFO #2

I have a bunch of different Christmas fabrics and a bunch of squares cut out to make a quilted Christmas tree skirt. This is also a decades old project, but one I am still interested in. It may, however, take a different shape that what I had originally intended.

UFO #3

I have a variety of red and blue quilt blocks that my students made when I was teaching in Washington (the state of). As I recall, it was a group project and it didn't get finished and then I moved to Montana. Some of the blocks are pretty sloppy and need to be redone. (Ok, most of them, well...depending on how well I can rein in my inner perfectionist...) However, there are a good variety of blocks and plenty of fabric left for more. I need to spiffy up the ones that need it and then take stock of what I have and decide what additonal ones I need to make. I am also thinking it will need some sashing. Maybe a tannish color? I would love to finish this quilt and donate it back to the school, or possibly to a charity.

UFO #4

The T-Shirt Quilt. K has saved all of her fun t-shirts from high school, marching band, (and there are many!!!) girls camp, etc, etc, etc. for me to make a quilt. Before she came home the last time, I washed them all, and while she was here, we sorted them and weeded out a few, and I made some notes on what she wanted and doesn't want. I bought a bunch of interfacing, and asked for some advice from someone who had made them for her girls...and that's it so far.

UFO #5

I would like to make a quilt called "The Boxer Rebellion." No comment.

Anyway, the two quilts on my summer list are the t-shirt quilt and the red and blue quilt. I have done a little (very little) on both of them. But I am almost done with a huge list of mending and altering that I have had since we got back from our trip in April. Then I will have more time for fun sewing.

Wish me luck.

Happiness, Day #3

A phone call from my daughter makes me happy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happiness, Day #2

A smoothly running morning routine makes me happy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Happiness Challenge

I saw this floating around on the internet and decided it was a good idea:

“Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn’t even have to be every day if you don’t want it to be. It’s a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.”

I could use a little happiness! But don't get me wrong. If there is a "pet peeve" month or an "official complaining month," I'll be all over that, too!

So, day #1:

Going barefoot makes me happy.

Sometimes I yearn to be at home in my bare feet.