Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Beach

One of the items on my summer list is "go to the beach".

I live just minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Lovely white sand beaches as far as the eye can see. However, two things: I don't swim, and I don't like being in the sun. But I do like to go to the beach.

When K was little, I used to take her all the time. Then she got to be a better swimmer than what I could, with my non-swimming ways, supervise, so she started going more with her dad. And then, of course, she got old enough to not need any supervision and started going with friends. Meanwhile, I didn't go. At all.

Last year I went to a few beach events with the church youth. I guess it reminded me of how much I like going.

So, this year, I bought a State Park sticker, put the beach umbrella in the car, and made a vow to have some beach time.

So far I've gone twice. It was delightful. And sooooo relaxing.


1 comment:

Nancy said...